Saturday, 20 April 2013

Live simply

I am going back to Live Simply. This is how far I've got after 6 hours and 15 minutes stitching.

Well after spending an hour stitching then 30 mins unpicking. Then I started again on a baby boy card for my friend. After 3 hours and 45 minutes stitching I am out on the right foot by 3 stitches along and 1 row down. I am going to give up and scrap it. I've totally lost my momentum on it.

I am going back to Live Simply which I am enjoying. This is how far I've got after 6 hours and 15 minutes of stitching.

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Holiday stitching

This is my holiday stitching. I didn't get as much done as I hoped but luckily the weather was hotter than expected so I got loads of sun bathing done. But I'm back home now to strong winds and I'm not looking forward to the alarm going off tomorrow for school.

Friday, 12 April 2013

Portugal stitching

Doing an easy stitch on holiday. It's mainly block colours and they're bright too

This is after 3 hours and 22 minutes of stitching over 3 days.

Weather is lovely and doing some sunbathing and hubby and I have just had 2 bottles of wine with lunch something we never do at home. Just chilling now and catching up with some WOCS posts

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Yippee I've finally finished Paris Cushion. It wasn't hard going but all the confetti stitching of greys arounds the bottom left of the tower got on my nerves. If I was doing it again I would do this first before I lost momentum.

It obviously needs washing and ironing but I am pleased with the finished results. I'm going to make it into a cushion-I already have the fabric but I'll probably wait until I come back off holiday.

I'm not going to start a new project yet I'm going to finish some WIP's. I have gone back to Rustic Bird from a booklet from Cross Stitcher. Hopefully I'll have it finished in a day or so. This is how much I'd done before I put it down

Then my decision will be which project do I take on holiday with me?????

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

I am determind to finish Paris Cushion. All the greys were a bit boring so there's only some confetti stitching to do on the tower then I can move onto the final symbols on the right hand side