Sunday, 17 July 2016

Stag Update

I had hoped to have this finished by now. I had 12 days off work and planned to spend every afternoon stitching. I was lucky if I got 2 hours stitching over the whole time off. I never stopped, in fact I find it easier being at work. I did get some long over due jobs done in the house. 

I am enjoying working on this but must admit I'm finding stitching on red difficult. I'm struggling to see the holes and need my lamp on to stitch, even through the day. 

Today though I have had a rare treat. I've had the house to myself all afternoon, so after doing some house work I have had an hour stitching. Yes a whole hour of stitching. Unfortunately I won't get any chance to do anymore today as I have to get ready soon to go out with a friend. So here's my update.