Saturday, 22 November 2014

An Update

Well so much for weekly updates. It's been months!!!!  I would love to say I've loads to show but I haven't really. I have started to crochet and I'm making a ripple blanket which I saw on Attic 24 blog and fell in love with it. After many false starts I ended up getting help from my friend and it's now coming along lovely. I'm so loving ding it and know it'll probably take me a year to finish but it'll be worth it. 
I intend to sew the ends in as I go so I hope to do that today. 

As for my stitching I started a piece in the beginning of September which I'm doing for my hubby for Christmas so I have to stitch it in secret. I'm nowhere near finished and know it won't be for Christmas so I'll have to tell him soon. 
It's an owl at sunset. If I was redoing it I would do the background as half stitches I think it would make the owl stand out more and I would be much further on with the piece if I'd done the background as half stitches. 

I'm still working on the same 2 pieces I was working on in August which I am enjoying doing. 
I have also done a Christmas card which is part of an exchange I'm taking part in on the WOCS Forum which I'll post a picture of after it's been received. 

Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Day 5 in Portugal

It has been so hot here. 39degrees today. It's the hottest I've ever known it and we usually come every August. We didn't go round the pool until 3pm this afternoon as it was too hot to sit out. We did some food shopping this morning and bought the food for a BBQ tonight which filled the morning in then hung around the apartment this afternoon until it started to cool down a bit I I got a bit of stitching done. Here's my progress so far 

The only problem is the blue I've used to stitch the arch I've nearly ran out of and there's loads more to do in that colour. It didn't help that the length I brought only had 4 strands in and not 6 so that was a doh moment for me so I'm going to have to stitch round it with the rest of the colours the best I can. 

Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Day 4 in Portugal.

So much for posting an update every day! I must admit I started this at home. I haven't done much stitching but I was awake at 4am on Sunday morning doing some and up at 7.30 this morning getting an hour or so in. I've just stopped and been outside for some breakfast and it is far too hot to comfortably sit out and I'm not ready for sunbathing yet. Despite using lots of mosquito repellent and after sun with mosquito repellent in I've been bitten. Fortunately just on the bottom of my legs and feet. Some years my whole body has been covered. 

 Anyway here's my stitching update
I think it's coming along nicely. The finished design is about 3 x 3 inches so it's not very difficult or needs a lot of concentration. There's just enough amount of block stitching and colour changes to stop it becoming too complicated and having to put too much effort in.

Hubby has just left for the airport to collect my son BFG as he's flying out today to join us. It's been funny just the 3 of us but admittedly much cheaper for meals out, I've spent less on shopping and there's still food in the fridge which will all change from today but I have missed him, so looking forward to seeing him. Don't know if I'll feel the same this time tomorrow when I'm removing empty milk cartons from the fridge, seeing how empty the fridge is and refereeing arguments between the 2 of them (yes even at their ages they still argue over who got the most/had the last etc) 

DDhas been nominated for the ice bucket challenge so she's doing it today and I know BFG will take great pleasure in pouring ice water over her but what he doesn't know is she's going to nominate him and he has to complete within 24 hours so she'll get her own back by doing the same to him. 

Thursday, 21 August 2014

Kitted up and ready to go

Kitted this up ready for my holiday on Saturday 

I'm looking forward to starting these Tuscan Cats. I love stitching on holiday. I get up on a morning and have an hour or so before the rest of the family get up, something I never get chance to do at home. I'm hoping to put the first stitches in tonight just to get started. I can't decide which one to start first though. Hopefully I'll get the chance to post lots of updates. 

Saturday, 16 August 2014

Middle of the nighter

Well here I am at 3.15 in the morning wide awake thanks to a swollen, painful knee. On the plus side it's surprising how much I can get done in the middle of the night. I can catch up on my soap operas and get some stitching done. 

I'm still working on the same 2 pieces. I had hoped to get them finished before we go on our holidays on 23 august which I know I won't but I am so enjoying doing them

The first one is a vase of flowers. The colours are stunning but I'm disappointed in myself for not allowing more material at the to and bottom of the piece I totally worked out the size wrong (maths was never my strong point)  I did want to display it by stretching it over a frame but I don't know if I have allowed enough material to do this. 

The second piece I'm working on is the sister piece to 'Keep Calm and Carry on' it will say Now Panic and Freak Out' which requires very little counting so it's perfect to work on after a long tiring day at work. 

Sunday, 3 August 2014

A finish and a WIP

I finished this yesterday 

It's been easy to do. I started it on holiday in April and only got it finished yesterday but I seem to have lost my sticky bug and with the lovely warm weather we've been having we've been it and about more. I do have a sister project exactly the same but it says 'now panic and freak out'  I intend to start 'now panic' and work it along side my current WIP which is this

Again this is easy as it's block colours but it's done on 28 count even weave so sometimes on a night if I'm too tired I worked on the 'keep calm' I always have a couple of projects on the go at once. One a more complex and another a more easy one and I work on whichever one takes my fancy on the day. It's so hard thought not to look at the lovely new designs which are released and ones published in magazines and resist buying them or starting a new project but I'm determined to finish WIPS before starting a new project (famous last words)

Thursday, 19 June 2014

3 Vases of Flowers

I am really enjoying doing this but with it being on 28 count evenweave I'm doing it through the day and early evenings. 

When I'm not working on this I'm still working on this it's soooo easy as it's block colours so not a lot of counting or concentration needed. 

I seem to have got my stitchy bug back which is good really. I've done a couple of hours today on and off. 

Saturday, 17 May 2014

An Update

I know I shouldn't have but I started something new yesterday. It's from this months Collection and I'm doing it on 28 count evenweave. I must admit I'm finding it difficult working on evenweave so I'm going to work on it along side Keep Calm which doesn't need as much concentration. 

Here's how far I've got so far with the vase of flowers

Hers how far I am with keep calm which is easy to do and I can work on this when I'm too tired to concentrate. 

I am enjoying working on Keep Calm but sometimes it can be a bit boring as thers only 4 colours in the pallet. When I've finished this I will start Now Panic 

Saturday, 22 March 2014

Another small finish

Finished this morning. I started it a while ago but have spent the last couple of weeks finishing it. Going to do another UFO next but just can't decide which one. 

Sunday, 23 February 2014

A finish and a UFO

I finished this tulips which I've been on with for 2 weeks. YES 2 weeks to do a small finish which I intend to turn into a coaster for work only I found out this week my contract which ends on 31 March will probably not be renewed so I won't have much need for it at work. Anyway here it is before it's mounted into a coaster.

I have picked up a UFO I started ages ago (look through my old blog posts and you'll see updates) I do like this and intend to turn it into a cushion to go on the window cill on the half landing. It has taken a lot longer than I thought to do it but that's the story of my life. Anyway here's how it was when I've picked it up again and hopefully when I post an update in a week or so it'll be obvious how much I've done 

Saturday, 8 February 2014

This weeks update

John Clayton's Calla Lilly 

And Xmas Fairy (which looks big but is card sized 

Saturday, 25 January 2014

First finish of 2014

First finish on 2014. It's from WOCS and was a Subs Extra. The spots are my ironing board cover showing through not the material. I'm going to frame it and put it up in the downstairs toilet 

Sunday, 12 January 2014

Weekly Update

I've started a new project, I know I shouldn't have but I've been desperate to start this for ages. It's a kit I've had for years but I was sorting through some stash I had in the attic and found it then. It's John Clayton's Calla Lilly, I also have the Tulip to do so hopefully I can stitch them both as a matching pair. Here's the update so far, it's stitched  on 27 count evenweave.

I'm also still working on the Shells I started over Christmas-it's an easy one done on 14 count aida

It's nearly finished and I hope to finish it within the next week or so.

Friday, 3 January 2014

This weeks stitching.

This year I intend to take a photo every week of my weeks stitching. This is what I've been working on over the Xmas period. It's easy to do but a lot of the colours are very similar so I have to keep am careful eye on what I'm doing.