Sunday, 23 February 2014

A finish and a UFO

I finished this tulips which I've been on with for 2 weeks. YES 2 weeks to do a small finish which I intend to turn into a coaster for work only I found out this week my contract which ends on 31 March will probably not be renewed so I won't have much need for it at work. Anyway here it is before it's mounted into a coaster.

I have picked up a UFO I started ages ago (look through my old blog posts and you'll see updates) I do like this and intend to turn it into a cushion to go on the window cill on the half landing. It has taken a lot longer than I thought to do it but that's the story of my life. Anyway here's how it was when I've picked it up again and hopefully when I post an update in a week or so it'll be obvious how much I've done 

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